No single word can describe how amazing and beautiful a city Dubai is. See? I just used more than one word! Dubai is a city of dreams, the city of life.
Forget New York as the city of opportunities, Dubai has everything New York has to offer and so much more (minus the Statue of Liberty of course). Here are some quick fun facts about Dubai:

- Islam is UAE’s dominant religion, and while Dubai is quite liberal in comparison to the other Emirates in UAE, people must adhere to the principles of Islam.
- Men and women alike should follow a modest dress code and not wear anything too revealing, especially for women.
- Public affection between members of the opposite sex must not be displayed in public.
- During Ramadan, although not compulsory out of respect for Muslims, eating and drinking should not be done in public during the day.
- Ruse gestures are prohibited at all times.
- Dubai has the tallest skyscraper in the world. At 2,716 ft meters tall and 164 floors, the iconic Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai’s pride and joy and can be seen from 95 kilometers away with the naked eye.
- The biggest mall in the world is Dubai Mall, with over 1,200 thousand which includes major retail brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Dior.
- Around 80% of Dubai’s population is expats and tourists, while only 20% are local citizens!